WestCord Hotels

Frequently asked questions


Many WestCord Hotels offer parking at the hotel. The costs depend on the hotel where you stay. Some hotels even offer free parking. It is not possible to reserve a parking space in advance.


The check-in and check-out times depend on the hotel where you stay. Below you will find an overview of these times. The check-in times remain dependent on whether your room is already clean. On busy days it can happen that we are still preparing the room for you when you check in, because we do want you to enter a clean room of course.

Early check-in? This is possible based on availability, provided your room is already clean and ready. Unfortunately we cannot guarantee this. Do you expect to arrive later in the evening? Then we advise you to also inform us about this.

Check-in from 3:00 PM
In all WestCord Hotels except Strandhotel Seeduyn, ApartHotel Boschrijck and Hotel Schylge.

Check-in from 4:00 PM
Strandhotel Seeduyn
ApartHotel Boschrijck
Hotel Schylge

Check out until 10:00 am
Strandhotel Seeduyn
ApartHotel Boschrijck
Hotel Schylge

Check out until 11:00 am
In all WestCord Hotels, except Hotel New York, Strandhotel Seeduyn, Strandhotel Seeduyn
ApartHotel Boschrijck, Hotel Schylge and the Amsterdam hotels

Check out until 12:00

  • Hotel New York
  • WestCord City Centre Hotel Amsterdam
  • WestCord Art Hotel Amsterdam
  • WestCord Fashion Hotel Amsterdam

Yes, there are several WestCord Hotels that offer hotel rooms for the disabled. Below you will find an overview. For the exact amenities in the room, please contact the hotel directly.

Fashion Hotel Amsterdam

Art Hotel Amsterdam 4-stars

Hotel Delft

ss Rotterdam

Hotel New York in Rotterdam

WTC Hotel Leeuwarden

Strandhotel Seeduyn op Vlieland

Hotel Schylge op Terschelling

Hotel Noordsee op Ameland

Hotel de Veluwe

That is possible. For example, would you like to have a bottle of wine in your room, offer a dinner or do you have another nice surprise? Contact your hotel to discuss the options!

It happens! But don’t worry. Contact the hotel where you stayed, they can check with Lost & Found whether it has been found.

If you leave for Vlieland or Terschelling, the crossing is arranged by Rederij Doeksen from Harlingen. For boat tickets and all information about the crossing, you can go to Rederij Doeksen. It is not permitted to take your car to Vlieland. There are sufficient parking options in Harlingen.

For the crossing to Ameland, you depart from Holwerd with Wagenborg Passenger Services. Here you can buy your boat tickets and find all information about the crossing.

A twin bed consists of two bed parts (two single beds). A double bed is a bed for two persons.

At various WestCord Hotels you can use the fitness facilities. Sports at WestCord Hotels can also be combined with a visit to the wellness center at a number of hotels. Ideally suited to unwind, relax and stay healthy! Click here for an overview of all WestCord Hotels with fitness facilities.

Making a reservation

The way in which you can reserve online depends on the hotel where you want to stay. A credit card is required at some hotels. If you do not have a credit card, please contact the relevant hotel directly.

Below you will find an overview of how you can book online at the hotels.

Hotels on the Dutch Wadden Islands: to make a reservation online, you can use a credit card or you can choose to transfer the amount in advance. You will receive payment instructions by email.

Hotels in the city of Amsterdam, Delft, Leeuwarden: this requires online booking with a credit card. Do you not have a credit card, but do you want to make a reservation? Then contact the relevant hotel directly.

Hotels in the Veluwe and Salland: you can also reserve online without a credit card in these hotels. The room is then guaranteed until 4 p.m. in the afternoon.

The following tourist tax applies for 2024:

Amsterdam: 12,5% per room per night

Rotterdam: 6.5% per room per night

Leeuwarden: € 1 per person per night

Delft: € 3,80 per person per night

Vlieland: € 2,05 per person per night

Terschelling: € 1.78 per person per night

Ameland: € 1.59 per person per night

Garderen (the Veluwe): € 1.50 per person

Your dog is very welcome in the following WestCord Hotels:

ApartHotel Boschrijck on Terschelling

Hotel Noordsee on Ameland

Beach hotel Seeduyn on Vlieland

This is on request, please indicate this in advance!

Babies from 0 to 2 years old stay for free at WestCord Hotels on the Wadden Islands. The costs for the use of a baby bed are € 25 per night.

For children from 2 to 9 years old, adjusted children’s rates apply, these vary per hotel and are stated when booking.

WestCord Hotel Salland has been sold on September 1, 2020. Unfortunately, reservations are no longer possible through this site.

Cancel or change booking

If you have made a reservation online, you can change or cancel it via “My Reservation” at the top right of the screen. You can look up your reservation by entering your e-mail address in combination with the reservation number on your confirmation. Otherwise, contact the relevant hotel where you have reserved.

Please note: it is not possible to cancel or change a Non-Refundable (Hot Deal) reservation with restrictions.

Can’t find the answer to your question? Then go to the contact page and contact the relevant hotel.